Thursday 20 October 2011

Proud of me :)

I'm proud of me. I started fiddling around with preparations for a little present for a friend who's about to give birth. Started of on some flowers to make a cord to tie curtains back or whatever else she may want to use it for. But in the meanwhile I felt guilty about not finishing my daughter's sweater.

And on top of that I also bought yarn and started working on two scarves for twin cousins. Hence feeling even guiltier. However, all came out OK, as last Sunday I went down with my daughter and sat down next to her and started knitting on the last bits of her sweater. And when both of them were downstairs, they kept bringing me imaginary bits to eat and drink. I gave them my feedback and knitted on. To make a long story short. It's finished. I only want to thread a ribbon through it and lace it up at the front.

And I started making hexagons for Poppy's (the doll) blanket. Something I've been wanting to do for ages. I've done 5 purple, 3 pink and 2 light pink, and it looks quite cool.

In the meanwhile, the sweater is done, but she hasn't worn it yet, as I'm still not 100% satisfied with it. So I need to spend a little more time on that. And there is already more in the making. Who's gonna be wearing all that stuff. ;)

Friday 23 September 2011

Ferris Wheel and cinnamon candy sticks

Yesterday as I drove into town, they had built up the ferris wheel. Yes, the yearly fair is about to start. Seeing that reminded me to buy a cinnamon candy stick ... and then I caught myself. I always used to buy them for my mum. I guess this year I'll have to buy one for me and think of mum.

I took a load of (5) crochet and knitting books to work with me, as I discussed them with a colleague yesterday. Unfortunately she's not in this office today, so I get to drag them back home and take them in some other day.

I just saw the christmas stable project of Kookeridoo, and it is very cute. I might try my hand, but I'm afraid the cats will not leave them be and they'll end up being chewed to pieces. We also cannot have flowers or plants, since those get eaten ... and puked out. Such a pity, cause it brings so much colour in the house. Just found a patter of colourful leaves on an empty branche by Tara at Easy Makes Me. That could work in my house. I'll try that!

Thursday 22 September 2011

My First one

After visiting Coco Rose Diaries and some other blog spots frequently I found I needed to put something out there ... for me. Not thinking so much of people who might want to read my posts, since most of the time I get this feeling that I'm nagging, exaggerating or that it's just not worth the trouble.
But I want to write about the little things. The little achievements of myself, and of my treasures who astound me in their way of thinking and their remarkable perception ... Young as they are (2 and almost 4).

Last year my mum passed away after a brief period in hospital and an even shorter period at home. 9½ weeks was all it took from her first day in hospital to her passing away. I seemed to cope OK. I did not have or need much time to grieve, but in the end it came back to haunt me after almost a year. I relived the whole period, day by day and found it hard to cope with.

Now I seem to be OK. Some good books, counseling and therapeutic creative work on the side. Crochet, knitting and sewing. My mum was great at sewing and made fantastic outfits for me. And knitting was also a thing she liked to do. But she was very particular, if it wasn't done to perfection, out it came. She started to unravel. Most sweaters she knitted probably several times before the end result was perfect. And now I find that when I sew or knit, I can hear her comments. And that seems to help me.

So here goes.